总编导 Chief director|曹钰婕 at 295制造

策划&制作 Plan & Produce |周俊彤、王彦钧 at WhiteDown

出品Production|范胤 at JIN SPCAE

表演 Perform|陈柯、杨永奇、侍昕冉、崔童、白石、张幸、王彦钧

总设计 Chief design|曹钰婕

声音 Sound |刘璇

交互设计 Interactive design|陈玮轩

服装设计 Costume design|姜雨晴、林奕馨、陶一帆、周明媚

服装制作 Costume make|顾诗雯、董素宏

化妆 Make-up|毛敬敬、王欢

现场协助 Site assistant|相慧敏、宋佳、黄诗颖、谭雅婷、张悦

海报设计 Poster design | 曹钰婕、王俊坚

鸣谢 Thanks | 佟家弼、王洪熠

演出时间/Performance schedule

第一场    2020.11.14  20:00pm

第二场    2020.11.15  20:00pm

第三场    2020.11.20  20:00pm

第四场    2020.11.21  20:00pm

第五场    2020.11.22  20:00pm

Location: JIN SPACE

This project was a science fiction that was oppositely adapted from the famous German romantic drama Faust to reflect on the modernity the original work praised, especially the distorted result: the technology fetishism, body consumption, and the fall into an illusion of self-objectification from modern people. Imagining that in a future of Cyborg consisting of algorithmic politics, simulated environments and hedonism economy, Dr. Faust of Medieval Prague became an old man named F. A super computer system that regulated the whole human society was compatible with God, angels and demons, and was maintaining, managing, tempting and utilizing each person, such as inviting F to join a contest to regain his youth.