Xuan Liu is a Chinese multi-disciplinary artist based in between Shanghai/Nanchang/London.
Her studio work has largely focused on analogue and digital audio technologies, sculpture, video, performances and event productions. continued into auditory, multidisciplinary and philosophical studies in particular. She is trying to use the concept of the sonic event to produce her working net and continue into auditory, multidisciplinary and philosophical studies in particular
Xuan has been immersed in several sound work productions; a research project on the sound ontology and sonic fiction theory into sonic structures(theoretical, architectural, biological, temporal), interactive and ‘misused’ low-fi media, and interdisciplinary collaborative networks. She worked individually and collaboratively to explore notions and concepts of both the merging of noumenal experience and fiction, negotiating between the human body’s sensory epistemology and the development of sound technology, contemporary spiritualism and ritual, expanded theatre and improvisation which she uses phenomenology, sound ontology, case study and semiotics research methodology to investigate and interpret the Sound Art.
Her projects try to encourage the audience to be a part of the flow of sound energy; using their interactions through participation with the works to recognise the core spirit of the sound. The impromptu sound takes advantage of the sporadic nature of physical contact and the visceral participation of reverberation. The sound is enriched through the open interaction of the technology between the audience and her.
Exhibitions/Live performance(2015-2020)
* = sound performance #= Publishing
- 2023
- 后嬉皮,玩乐之间, Santu Gallery, 中国China
- 自催化复制(声音合作),System,Shanghai, 中国China
- 2022
- 共生,黄盒子开发展, 上海喜马拉雅美术馆, 中国China
- 声之形,Translucid,巴黎Galerie du Crous “ 画廊,法国 France声之形,Translucid,巴黎Galerie du Crous “ 画廊,法国 France
- 2021
- 没有身体的器官2,Oceans 2.0,史莱姆引擎Slimeengins, Shanghai,中国 China
- Falling Angels Without a Flying Soul, 要空间Yao Space, Shanghai,中国 China
- Persona Non Grata,14, Constructing Landscapes/Building Worlds,泰特英国Tate Britain, UK #*
- ID: F, Trans-Media theatre project, JIN Space,中国 China*
- 10 years of Numero, Numero Magazine,中国 China#
- No Theater, Indie Film Showing, SO SAGE OBSERVATORY, 中国 China
- 2020
- Letter from the future, Sound event, Online live-stream, UK
- Ocean 2, Sound performance, The Slime Engine, China*
- Late at Tate, Audio soundscape, Tate Britain, UK
- ID: F, Trans-Media theatre project, JIN Space, China*
- 10 years of online publishing, Numero Magazine, China#
- No Theater, Indie Film Showing, SO SAGE OBSERVATORY, China
- Co. Lab sound, Fringe Arts Bath, UK*
- Mardi Gras Festival, Banqueting Hall, UK*
- Common or Garden, The Cookhouse Gallery, UK
- Mapping, The Cookhouse Gallery, UK
- Assemblage Experiments, Turner Contemporary, UK
- Body(E)motions, The Cookhouse Gallery, UK
- 2019
- Unit 1, Chelsea Triangle Space, UK
- Encounters Art, The Cookhouse Gallery, UK
- 2018
- Autoscope, Black Iron Space, China*
- 2017
- Young Artists Group of Nanchang, Hongdu Aviation Art Center,China
- Ocean, Wanda Ocean Art Center,China
- 2016
- Be myself, 699 Art Center, China
- TIDE, Houjie Art Centre, China*
- 2015
- Breathing,Dafengtang Art Centre, China
- Peach Blossom Spring,Houjie Art Centre, China
- Red K, Wugongshan Music Festival, China*
- Red K, Glimmer Music Festival, China*